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National regulation

Illustration for news: HSE hosted an expert seminar on regulatory evidence-based standards

HSE hosted an expert seminar on regulatory evidence-based standards

Daniel Tsygankov, Head of the RIA Center spoke at the expert seminar “Standards of Evidence-based Regulation: International Experience and Prospects for Implementation in Russia”, which was held on 29 of March at the Higher School of Economics.

Illustration for news: Head of the RIA Center Daniil Tsygankov participated in 3th Financial Times Regulation Forum "Collaborative Solutions and Effective Stakeholder Engagement" in Berlin

Head of the RIA Center Daniil Tsygankov participated in 3th Financial Times Regulation Forum "Collaborative Solutions and Effective Stakeholder Engagement" in Berlin

Head of the RIA Center Daniil Tsygankov participated on November 30, 2017 in a panel discussion "Improving Regulatory Outcomes – Participation of Key Stakeholders" in 3th Financial Times Regulation Forum in Berlin (Germany), and offered to develop evidence-based Standard for regulation.

Illustration for news: Higher School of Economics hosted an expert seminar on the international experience of parliamentary RIA

Higher School of Economics hosted an expert seminar on the international experience of parliamentary RIA

Director of the RIA Center Daniel Tsygankov spoke at the expert seminar “International experience of parliamentary RIA development at the national and supranational levels”, which was held on 4 of October 2017 at the Higher School of Economics. 

Illustration for news: Draft of the subsection on regulatory policy for the Country’s Development Strategy until 2024 was discussed at the Higher School of Economics

Draft of the subsection on regulatory policy for the Country’s Development Strategy until 2024 was discussed at the Higher School of Economics

On 27 of September, the Higher School of Economics hosted a round table “Discussion of the block of proposals on regulatory policy for the Development Strategy of the Russian Federation for 2018-2024” under the auspices of the Center for Strategic Research (the CSR) and the Institute for Public Administration and Governance (the IPAG) in the frames of the work prepared by the IPAG as assigned by the government on topic “Development of proposals on selected issues of improving public administration” (in the interests of the CSR).

Illustration for news: The Higher School of Economics launched the project “Regulation 3.0”

The Higher School of Economics launched the project “Regulation 3.0”

The project will contain information on regulatory policy, analysis of best practices in this area and expert opinions. The project will also become a prototype of a platform for joint discussion and development of effective regulatory measures with the participation of government officials, business and civil society.

Illustration for news: Director of the RIA Center of the Institute for Public Administration and Governance gave an interview to the “Legislation” journal

Director of the RIA Center of the Institute for Public Administration and Governance gave an interview to the “Legislation” journal

About the emergence of regulatory impact assessnent practice, existing approaches, application of RIA procedures in Russia etc. - in the conversation with Daniel Tsygankov.

Illustration for news: “Kommersant” published an article based on the results of the seminar on regulation at the Center for Strategic Research

“Kommersant” published an article based on the results of the seminar on regulation at the Center for Strategic Research

On 8 of June at the Center for Strategic Research hosted a seminar “Towards a new architecture of regulatory policy: the central body for deregulation – “the Law on Laws” – evidence based lawmaking”.

Illustration for news: An expert seminar on the use of the standard cost model was held at the Higher School of Economics

An expert seminar on the use of the standard cost model was held at the Higher School of Economics

Director of the RIA Center Daniel Tsygankov spoke at the expert seminar “Use of the Standard Cost Model as a Tool for Reducing Administrative Costs”, which took place on 18 of May at the Higher School of Economics.

Illustration for news: Report at the Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum

Report at the Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum

Daniel Tsygankov, Director of the RIA Center of the Higher School of Economics made a report on regulatory policy at the Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum.

Illustration for news: Prospects for applying financial and economic feasibility study for the analysis of regulatory costs for business were discussed at the Center for Strategic Research

Prospects for applying financial and economic feasibility study for the analysis of regulatory costs for business were discussed at the Center for Strategic Research

On 6 of April, the Center for Strategic Research held a seminar “Prospects for expanding the mechanism of financial and economic feasibility studies in Russian lawmaking for the analysis of regulation costs for business entities”.