HSE hosted an expert seminar on regulatory evidence-based standards
Daniel Tsygankov, Head of the RIA Center spoke at the expert seminar “Standards of Evidence-based Regulation: International Experience and Prospects for Implementation in Russia”, which was held on 29 of March at the Higher School of Economics.
More than 50 people took part in the seminar held by the Institute for Public Administration and Governance of the Higher School of Economics and the Center for Strategic Research, including representatives of the RIA Department of Russian Ministry of Economic Development, the Analytical Center under the Government of the Russian Federation, representatives of business associations, directors and GR managers from companies of various industries, leading country experts in the field of regulatory policy.
The seminar was opened by the director of the Institute for Public Administration and Governance of the Higher School of Economics Andrey Klimenko and vice-president of the Center for Strategic Research Maria Shklyaruk.
Daniel Tsygankov spoke about the international prototypes of the draft Standard and the invited expert of the RIA Center, Maksim Svetun’kov from Ulyanovsk presented the draft Standard and told the audience about different options in the draft and highlighted several issues important for finalizing the Standard.
Representatives of government bodies, business and science – respectively, deputy director of the RIA Department of the Ministry of Economic Development Vitaly Zlobin, GR Director of PepsiCo Dmitry Tretyakov and deputy director of the Institute of Public Service and Management of RANEPA Ruslan Korchagintook part in the discussion.
The second session was devoted to sectoral examples of “business argumentation strategies”, reports were made by the head of the direction for improving the sectoral legislation of the Department for Regulatory Risk Management of “MTS” Natalia Velikorodnyaya (“The use expert and accounting arguments by business community in the discussion of draft regulations (for example, by-laws to Federal Law No. 374-FZ, Draft Law of the Ministry of Communications of Russia on the regulation of the national segment of the Internet, Federal Law No. 187-FZ “On the Security of the Critical Information Infrastructure” and “Urban Development Code of the Russian Federation”), expert of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Committee on Ecology and Nature Management Dmitry Sobol (“Problems of evidence-based environmental regulation”) and deputy director of the ANO NISSE Oleg Shestoperov (“How the arguments of business community work at public consultations during RIA procedure: examples of some resonant regulations in retail”).