Libraries: publications, interviews, social media, guides, linls
- Shklyaruk M., Tsygankov D. The matrix reloaded: how to free business and society from unnecessary rules // RBC Daily, September 26, 2017 [RU]
- Problems of Regulatory Impact Assessment (Based on the Materials of the XVIII April International Conference of the Higher School of Economics) // Public Administration Issues. 2017. No. 2. P. 131-150. [RU]
- The future of regulation. Round table (organized jointly with Russian Ministry of Economic Development). Held on 21 of April 2016 at the Higher School of Economics in the frames of the XVII April International Academic Conference // Public Administration Issues. 2016. No 3. P. 133–146. [RU]
- “RIA in Russia: On the Way to Maturity”. Session O-10. XVII April International Academic Conference at the Higher School of Economics, Moscow, April 21, 2016 // Public Administration Issues. 2016. No 3. P. 147–161. [RU]
- Golodnikova А., Tsygankov D. Regulatory Impact Assessment Targeting: International Approaches and Russian Experience // Public Administration Issues. 2015. No 4. P. 7-40. [RU]
- Regional authorities do not engage much in regulatory impact assessment // Scientific and educational portal IQ, April 3, 2015 [RU]
- Tsygankov D. Regulatory impact assessment was consolidated in the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union // Portal of NRU HSE, June 3, 2014. [RU]
- Grinkevich V. Smart regulation will simplify lives of citizens and business// Scientific and educational portal IQ, March 27, 2014. [RU]
- Monten S.-A. “Smart regulation”: a global challenge for decision-makers (2012), translation from French, 2014. [RU]
- Tsygankov D. Regulatory impact assessment in Russia, in: Regulatory Reforms - Implementation and Compliance: Proceedings of the Tenth Congress of the International Association of Legislation (IAL) in Veliky Novgorod, June 28th - 29th, 2012 / Ed. by С. В. Kabishev, L. Mader. Vol. 17. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2014. P. 249-267. doi [EN]
- Sorokin M., Tsygankov D. The Role of Regulatory Impact Assessment in the Preparation of Legislative Initiatives // In: Materials of the Seminar with the heads of analytical services of legislative (representative) and executive authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation on “The role of the expert-analytical community in development of the parliamentary democracy institutions”. Moscow: Publication of the State Duma, 2013. P. 10-19. [RU]
- Tsygankov D. The Glorious Regulatory Revolution / RBC Daily-online, April 1, 2013. [RU]
- Kuzmin A., Tsygankov D. The Emerging Field of Evaluation and the Growth of the Evaluation Profession: The Russian Experience // Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation. January 2013. Vol. 28 (3). P. 87-101. [EN]
- Karpova P., Tsygankov D. Better regulation councils as an indispensable cornerstone of “smart regulation” / Public and municipaladministration issues, Moscow, 2012. № 3. p. 5-34. [RU]
- Karapetov А., Tsygankov D., Yakovlev А. Run with barriers // Direct investments: Journal of the Sberbank of the Russian Federation, Moscow, 2012. No 6 (June). P. 28-30. [RU]
- Tsygankov D. Smart-regulation. Russian Federation // RBC Daily, June 4, 2012. [RU]
- Derman D., Tsygankov D. Comparative analysis of introduction of the regulatory impact assessment tools in Russia and the CIS countries // In: XII International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development: 4 volumes. Book 1 / ed. by E. Yasin. Moscow: Publishing house of the Higher School of Economics, 2012, P. 491-499. [RU]
- Tsygankov D. Smart regulation // Gosnadzor, 2012, No 4, P. 11-12. [RU]
- Tsygankov D., Derman D., Belyaev A. Methodological approaches to meta-evaluation of the quality of the regulatory impact assessments // Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, 2011. No 1. P. 23-51. [RU]
- Tsygankov D. Practices of German National Better Regulation Council // In: Colloquium “Program and Policy Evaluation: Methodology and Implementation”: collection of materials, Vol. VI // ed. by D. Tsygankov. Moscow. 2011. P. 124-132. [RU]
- Tsygankov D. To do as “in Europe” // Moscow News, October 5, 2011. [RU]
- Tsygankov D. RIA – choice of the way // RBC Daily, September 21, 2011. [RU]
- Other articles and materials available on the website:
Interviews and reports
- Russian law making needs regulatory guillotine" and temporary legislation: Daniel Tsygankov’s interview to “Russia 2035” Web-portal (Moscow), February 2018. [RU] Read more...
- Regulatory Impact Assessment of draft regulatory acts: Daniel Tsygankov’s interview to “Legislation” Journal (Moscow), June 2017. [RU] Read more...
- The system for assessing the impact of legal acts: compare everything: Daniel Tsygankov’s interview to Economic Review Journal (Tashkent), August 2015. [RU] Read more...
- “RIA is successful if transparency and evidence of regulation become an integral part of political culture”: Daniel Tsygankov’s interview to Beer Market Portal Profibeer (Moscow) June 2015. [RU] Read more...
- “Regulatory Impact Assessment”: Daniel Tsygankov’s interview to the program “Personal contact” of the information-analytical network Journal “PROVED” (St. Petersburg) March 2015. [RU] See more (video) ...
- “Institute of Regulatory Impact Assessment of Legal Acts”: D. Tsygankov's interview to the “Alta-Soft” program, November 2014. [RU] See more (video) ....
- Interview with Daniel Tsygankov in the frames of the International Scientific and Practical workshop “Development of “smart regulation” mechanisms: towards a new regulatory policy in Russia” at the Higher School of Economics (March 2014). [RU] See more (video) ...
- “RIA: regulatory acts affecting business will be “pre-tested”: D. Tsigankov's interview to “Business Class” newspaper (Arkhangelsk), November 2013. [RU] Read more...
- Interview with D. Tsygankov in the frames of the XIII April International Academic Conference, April 2012. [RU] See more (video) ...
- “Concentration of resources is needed for complex expertise based on the political support of top government officials”: Daniel Tsygankov’s interview to “Top Dialogue” agency, (St. Petersburg). May 2012. [RU] See more...
- “Regulatory tools within the framework of the “Strategy 2020” - broadcast “To be discussed” on Zakon-TV, March 2012 [RU] See more (video) ...
- “How to protect the rights of investors and develop market institutions in Russia”: Interview with D. Tsygankov, radio program "Persona grata" on Radio of Russia, March 2011. [RU] Listen more (audio ...
Social networks and media
- Smart Regulation (telegram channel)
- Smart Regulation Blog (ENG)
- LinkedIn: Smart Regulation Group (ENG)
Electronic resources on RIA and regulation
- RIA Department of the Russian Ministry of Economic Development
- Information portal on RIA and ex-post evaluation in Russia (since 2015)
- “Single portal” for the publication of draft regulations and the results of public consultations (including RIA / ex-post evaluation procedures)
- The series “RIA issues”of the National Institute for System Studies of Entrepreneurship (2013 - present)
- Category: Impact Assessment in Russian Wikipedia
- Website “Impact Assessment” of the European Commission
- Global Database for Regulatory Impact Assessment (World Bank)
- Regulatory Impact Analysis (OECD)
- ECPR Standing Group on Regulatory Governance
- Mandelkern Group on Better Regulation. Final Report (2001)
Guidelines and reviews on regulatory policy and impact assessment
- OECD Regulatory Policy Outlook, Regulatory Policy in Perspective: a Reader's Companion to the OECD Regulatory Policy Outlook 2015
- Better Regulation Guidelines (European Commission, 2015)
- Better Regulation "Toolbox" (European Commission, 2015)
- Regulatory impact assessments: guidance for government departments (UK, 2016)
- The Australian Government Guide to Regulation (Australia, 2014)
- Promoting inclusive growth through better regulation: The role of regulatory impact assessment (OECD, 2016)
- Regulatory impact assessments: guidance for government departments (UK, 2016)
- Multi-criteria analysis: a manual (UK Communities and Local Government, 2009)
- DG MARKT Guide to Evaluating Legislation (European Commission, 2008)
- Evaluating Legislation in DG Internal Market & Services
- OECD country reviews of regulatory reforms
- Introductory Guide for Conducting Regulatory Impact Analysis (Russian version, OECD, 2008)
International Regulatory Policy Indicators
- Ranking “Doing business - Measuring Business Regulations” of the World Bank
- The Global Competitiveness Index of the World Economic Forum
- Regulatory Quality Ranking – one of the six World Governance Indicators of the World Bank
- Area 5. “Regulation” Index of Economic Freedom of the World Fraser Institute (Canada)
Guidelines for carrying out specialized impact assessments
- International Standard Cost Model Manual
- Guidelines on the Identification and Presentation of Compliance Costs in. Legislative Proposals by the Federal Government (Germany, 2011)
- Operational Guidelines to Assess Impacts on Micro-Enterprises (EC, 2012)
- Equality Impact Assessment Summary, Tool and Guidance for Policy Makers (UK, 2008)
- Social Impact Assessment: Guidance for assessing and managing the social impacts of projects (IAIA, 2015)
- Guidance for assessing Social Impacts within the Commission Impact Assessment system (EC, 2009)
- Health Impact Assessment of Government Policy (UK, 2010)
- Competition Assessment Toolkit Volume III: Operational Manual (OECD, 2015)
- Operational Guidance on taking account of Fundamental Rights in Commission Impact Assessments (EC, 2011)
- Assessing Territorial Impacts: Operational guidance on how to assess regional and local impacts within the Commission Impact Assessment System (EC, 2013)
- Evaluating the Impact of Development Projects on Poverty (translation from English, the World Bank, 2010)
Prospective regulatory policy tools (nudge, regulatory sandboxes, sunsetting)
- Risk and Regulatory Policy: Improving the Governance of Risk (OECD, 2010)
- Behavioural Insights and Public Policy: Lessons from Around the World (2017)
- The Behavioral Economics Guide (2017)
- Institute of “regulatory sandboxes” as a tool to support financial innovations
- OBPR Guidance Note – Sunsetting Legislation (Australia)
- Sunset Legislation and Better Regulation: Empirical Evidence from Four Countries
Better Regulation (Deregulation) Councils
- Mexico: Better Regulation Council (Consejo para la Mejora Regulatoria Federal)
- Netherlands: Advisory Board on Administrative Barriers (ACTAL, Adviescollege vermindering administratieve lasten)
- Germany: National Council for Norms Control (NKR, Nationaler Normenkontrollrat)
- Sweden: Better Regulation Council (Regelradet)
- Norway: Better Regulation Council (Regelradet)
- United Kingdom: Regulatory Policy Committee (RPC)
- Czech Republic: Government Commission on RIA (Komise pro hodnoceni dopadu regulace)
- European Commission: High Level Group of Independent Stakeholders on Administrative Burdens
RIA and “smart regulation” as part of the “Strategy 2020” updating (2011-2012)
- Group “Optimization of state presence” at
- Group “Optimization of state presence” at RIAN website
- Group “Strengthening market institutions” at
- Group “Strengthening market institutions” at RIAN website
- To the elaboration of regulatory reform Strategy in Russia: “National Council for the improvement of legal regulation of business and investment activities”
Colloquium “Program and Policy Evaluation: Methodology and Implementation” (2004 - 2011)
- Publications and archive of the Colloquium meetings
- Project Materials “Development of an innovative research direction in the SU-HSE Program and policy evaluation through the institutionalization of the Moscow city interdisciplinary colloquium “Program and Policy Evaluation: Methodology and Implementation” (2006-2007), supported by the “HSE Scientific Foundation”
- Project Materials “Further development of a research direction “Program and policy evaluation and regulatory impact assessment” in NRU HSE” (2010-2011), supported by the Program “HSE Scientific Foundation”
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